ADD-vance online parent support group

ADD-vance are offering a free online support group for parents/carers of primary aged children with diagnosed or suspected ASD or ADHD, on Tuesday 10th January 1pm – 2pm. You can book your tickets below. This will probably be a very popular event, so book early to avoid disappointment.

Bringing up Confident Children (ADHD/ASD) Course

Family Lives are delivering online parenting groups, funded by Herts County Council, in the Autumn term for parents/carers. Bringing Up Confident Children for Parents of Children with ADHD/ASD – Online (6 weeks) Thursday 15th September to 20th Oct, 9.30 – 11.30 Tuesday 4th October to 15th November, 9.30-11.30 Tues 8th November to 13th December 7.30pm – … Read more

Responding to Anger – Course for Parents

Supporting Links are offering an online course for parents/carers of children with diagnosed or suspected ASD or ADHD on Wednesday 13th July, 9.30-11.30am. Run by highly experienced facilitators, counsellors and parenting practitioners, this online workshop will help parents to understand: The difference between healthy & unhealthy anger. The pattern that anger often takes and how … Read more

Anxiety and Stress in children

Supporting Links are offering a course on Tuesday 28th June, 19.30-21.30 for parents/carers of children with ASD or ADHD who are suffering with anxiety and stress. Run by highly experienced facilitators, counsellors and parenting practitioners, this online workshop will help parents to understand: The difference between stress and anxiety. Understanding anxiety related conditions amongst young … Read more


SPACE Hertfordshire runs many free online workshops for parents and carers covering many aspects of supporting children and young people who are autistic, have ADHD or other neurodiverse conditions. Some upcoming ones include:Understanding Specific Math Difficulties (Dyscalculia) Tickets, Fri 17 Jun 2022 at 10:00 | Eventbrite Understanding Autism and ADHD Workshop Tickets, Mon 20 Jun 2022 … Read more

School Avoidance/Anxiety Webinar

The Children’s Wellbeing Practitioners have recorded a webinar focused on school based anxiety which includes: anxiety psychoeducation and strategies and tips to support children who are currently struggling with attending school due to anxiety. The webinar is split into Part 1 (Theory and Psychoeducation) and Part 2 (Strategies and Tips). There are handouts which can … Read more

Family Lives Helpline and Courses

‘Family Lives’ offer both a ‘Helpline’ (0808 800 2222) and an online chat option to offer support to families who are finding things difficult. Their website is: Two courses are currently being offered: Bringing up confident children for parents of children with ADHD/ASD 7 June to 12 July 7pm to 9pm  OR 8 June to 13 July 9:30am … Read more

‘Bounce Forward’ Resilience Course

Please find below details of a 6-week, online course, free to Hertfordshire parents, about raising resilience in children. It seems that the course would be most suited to parents of children aged 9+. All information and booking details can be found here: