Latest Newsletter from Mrs Driver

Suddenly we are here at the end of an extremely busy half term and I can’t believe how the time has flown by!

We are still experiencing difficulties with parking and traffic. After the holidays the School Council will be coming outside with me to look at the situation in Stuart Drive and Holdbrook and to see if we notice the same cars making life difficult. This is a result of a number of complaints recently from local residents about their driveways being blocked. Please remember the yellow lines and zig zags are there for a reason. DO NOT stop on these even for a short while. It is also important to remember that Stuart Drive is a two-way road and the residents will need to be able to drive along it away from the school. Could I also remind you to drive through the school without stopping?

Looking ahead to next half term there are lots of exciting events planned for you and the pupils. We are holding our Book Characters Day on Thursday 5th March as part of World Book Day. On this day the children can come to school dressed as their favourite book character. This is completely optional and there is no charge for those who wish to participate. We hope that it will give us the opportunity to focus upon some of the characters in fiction.  However, children must not regard this as the chance to simply ‘dress up’ or to not wear uniform. If children do not wish to participate, they wear school uniform. I do hope that this idea will not cause too many undue family arguments or pressures put upon you to make elaborate costumes! We simply wanted to find a way to make the children think about the books they have read and to help them to enjoy some of our classical literature. We would ask that the children bring in the book they are representing and be able to say something about it!

The following week is Red Nose Day and the School Council will be selling red noses in school. They will also be writing to all parents about their other plans for Comic Relief!

During the next half term we also the Recycled Fashion Show at St Christopher’s School, The County Dance Festival at The Alban Arena, Open Morning and the SPA Pamper Evening! There is so much going on!

We are planning an evening for Year 6 pupils and parents looking at the current arrangements for the Year 6 SAT tests. This will be held on Wednesday 18th March at 7.30. This will be an opportunity to come to school, with your children and see how you can support them in the run up to SATs. This replaces the date sent out for a Y6 information evening right at the beginning of the school year.

Please remember if your child has suffered from any kind of vomiting bug, they must be absent from school for at least 24 hours. We do not want any bugs to spread and they all need time to recover. Could I also remind you that it is a parents’ responsibility to ensure all inhalers and epi-pens kept in school are ‘in date’?

Please remember we are a nut free environment so no products containing nuts must be brought into school. This includes contents of packed lunches especially peanut butter sandwiches!

Please encourage your child to participate in the 500 Words story writing competition, I look forward to reading their entries.

If you have anything you wish to discuss with me, please do not hesitate to come and see me. I hope you all have a lovely half term break!

Mary Driver