Information from Mrs Driver

Now that classes have been announced for 2017 – 2018 I am in a position to let you know a few more details. 

Miss Hallahan has been appointed to teach Maple Class. She is an experienced teacher, currently working in Luton but living more locally. She is excited to be joining our team and has already been in school for a couple of mornings. 

Mrs Thomas is reducing her hours to cover PPA time in some classes. 

As the school expands we will experience some unusual class sizes. In Year 2 we will have 41 children and so will need 2 teachers. This has given us the opportunity to take advantage of the Schools Direct Teacher Training programme which is monitored by Hertfordshire University and culminates in a teaching degree. Mrs Thorn had already decided to train as a teacher through Schools Direct and we are delighted that we can be a part of her training. She will be teaching alongside Mrs Tite, Mrs Delaney and Miss Vivian. 

There will be an opportunity for all parents to come and meet your child’s new class teacher on Tuesday 18th July at 9.00am. This will last approximately 20mins whilst we have assembly and then all the children will spend time with their new teachers.

Book amnesty
As we approach the end of term we would ask that we have a book amnesty! Please check everywhere at home for school reading books and any text books which might have been left at home. There will be no access to the KS2 library after Friday 7th July to allow for an audit of all reading books. 

If any of the Y6 pupils have outgrown any books (in good condition) please consider donating them to the school library. Please see Mrs Mitchell.

Site manager
We have re-advertised for a new site manager. If you know of someone who might be interested please call into the office. The closing date is Friday 7th July

Please remember if you have any concerns about your child at school, do not hesitate to come in to see me. 

Yours sincerely
Mary Driver