Hazel Class Home Learning

Here are a few activities to keep you busy over the next couple of days

ENGLISH – Thursday
Listen to the story being read here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI0VRGbORAk
Ask the children if they noticed anything that was repeated in the story (What father Christmas said, the pattern of what the people who helped Father Christmas said). Ask the children the ways the book could show us that the words were spoken by people (speech bubbles, speech marks). Model writing a speech bubble (writing the words first and then the bubble around the words) putting in it only the words that are said and not any other part of the story. Highlight that it still starts with a capital letter and ends with a punctuation mark.
Now get the children to draw some of the characters from the book and add speech bubbles to their drawings.

MATHS  – Thursday
Have a go at the Christmas worksheets below and then explore the following games at topmarks.co.uk

ENGLISH – Friday
Ask the children to retell the story of Harvey Slumfenburger’s Christmas Present or write about their favourite part of the book. Be sure to follow the four rules of sentence writing:
1) Use a capital letter at the start of every sentence
2) Use finger spaces between words
3) Use a full stop or other punctuation mark at the end of the sentence
4) Make sure the sentence makes sense
Remind them to work one sentence at a time, forming it in their head perfectly first, writing it down, finishing with a full stop and then reading what they have written to check it makes sense.

MATHS – Friday

Have a go at the Christmas worksheets below and then explore the game at topmarks.co.uk:



It would be fabulous to check in with the children on Thursday and Friday. Please look out for an invitation to a Class Zoom on each day. If the children would like to show any work they have completed at home – whether that be something set from above or some other learning I would love to see it. Or if they would prefer to share a Christmas cracker joke or Christmas song I would equally love to hear them!


On Thursday the children would have been watching a virtual pantomime in school. This has been provided to us by a theatre company and the unlisted link can be found here:
Please enjoy watching!


Please look out for another post on here on Friday afternoon regards a special visitor!


Please look out for another post over the next couple of days detailing the Year 1 homework over Christmas.