Half term has arrived

Half term has arrived, a time to recharge batteries, practise skills learnt so far and return fighting fit for the seven weeks that lead up to Christmas.

This week we have celebrated National Apple Week by looking at and tasting different types of apples. We found out that the saying ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ could well be true as apples are very beneficial to many aspects of our health. A good job that so many of the children eat them at snack time!

In maths we have been using our apples to pratise taking away. Once again good number recognition and accurate counting are necessary to get the correct answers.

We have learnt about the festival of Divali and made divas out of clay. These will dry out and be ready for painting after half term.

There will be no Show and Tell next half term as we will be busy learning parts and songs for our Christmas show which will be on the afternoon of December 12th.

Please could you try and get a shoe box to bring in on the Friday of the first week back. Nothing too massive,I'm sure the shoe shops throw loads away if you do not have one.
It was really good to see you all at parents evening to discuss how your child has settled and share the progress that has been made in relatively few weeks.

For the parents of children moving on to class 1/R, thank you all for supporting your child so well and we wish them all the best in their future learning at William Ransom. For the majority of you whose child is staying in class R, I look forward to working with you to extend and support your child.

Please spend some time over the half term holiday to practise word bags, reading words, number recognition and counting and we look forward to seeing you on Monday3rd November.