Another week of celebrations

Another week of celebrations: Diwali and Remembrance Day both on November 11th and it was also National Nursery Rhyme week.

The children looked at Espresso and learnt about Diwali, a Hindu and Sikh festival and made divas and Rangoli patterns.

After a Remembrance Day assembly and a 2 minute silence the children learnt more on Espresso and made their own poppies for the display.

Our sound this week was ‘Ch’ and the children have been making and reading words with this diagraph.  We have been practising blending our sounds to read. You could do further practice by playing ‘Buried Treasure’ on the computer at home.

Our maths focus was addition, as the children used their adding machines to do their sums. Well done everyone, some great practical maths and good use of ‘addition language’ as you explained to parents looking round the school what you were doing. This activity also highlighted the need for many to continue to practise writing the numerals with correct orientation. Please make some time to practise and add in numerals 6-10 when they are ready if you do not already have them.

Many thanks for your generous contributions for Children in Need and especially to those of you who took the time to make cakes to sell. People are still needed to help at the Winter Wonderland next Saturday and if you have not booked for Santa’s Story time then please call in at the office or send back your reply on Monday. The proceeds of this exciting day help to buy the equipment that a normal school budget cannot.

Next week we start rehearsals for our Christmas show. The children will be sent home their sentence to practise saying in a loud, clear voice and the songs we are learning will come home also. The songs are all set to well-known tunes that can be found on Google if you do not know them.

We will be learning about day and night next week and having our ‘dark den’ out. If you have any stories on this theme at home, we could include them in our lessons if you send them in with your child.

Many thanks for your support. By working together we help the children achieve more.