And so we come to the half way point of the school year.

Another half term has been and gone and we have squeezed quite a lot in to what is the shortest half term of the school year.

The pupils across Year 2 have been learning about multiplication and division in Maths and all the children now have access to Times Tables Rock Stars, which they are free to explore in their own time.

In addition to this, the children have been learning about instruction writing and integrating this into storytelling purposes. In the last week of term, all the pupils in Year 2 designed their own fantasy land and wrote instructions for visitors which included tasks and challenges that the vsiitor might encounter in their respective lands. On the last day of term, the pupils had the opportunity to ‘visit’ their classmates lands by reading their instructions and tracing their character’s journey on the maps (attached is a picture of some pupils doing this).

Now we start to look ahead to the second half of the Spring term. Easter is on the horizon so expect to hear about many Easter-themed activities as we get closer to the end of term.

Have a wonderful half-term break!