

The value for the month of December is peace.   For Key Stage One this is defined as 'getting on with others and knowing how to resolve arguments'.  For Key Stage Two…


Our value for the month of November was Tolerance.  At Key Stage One this was defined as 'being kind to each other and accepting that all people are different'.  The…


The value for the month of December is peace.   For Key Stage One this is defined as 'getting on with others and knowing how to resolve arguments'.  For Key Stage Two…


Our value for the month of November was Tolerance.  At Key Stage One this was defined as 'being kind to each other and accepting that all people are different'.  The…


Many leaves have been given out this month for patience.  Here are some examples. Rana (Year 3) – For patiently waiting to give an answer in class rather than making…


Patience is our value for October.  Many children have been earning patience leaves this week! Here are some examples: Eva (Year R) – For waiting patiently while the other children…


Many leaves have been given out this month for patience.  Here are some examples. Rana (Year 3) – For patiently waiting to give an answer in class rather than making…


Patience is our value for October.  Many children have been earning patience leaves this week! Here are some examples: Eva (Year R) – For waiting patiently while the other children…