A New Experience Today!

Everyone slept well and we had to ‘encourage’ a few to wake up this morning!

After a big breakfast we set off on a new adventure for all of us. We went to Yr Ysgwrn which was the home of Ellis Humphrey Evans who was the winner of the 1917 Eisteddford. However he had been called up to fight in the war and died at the battle of Passendale 10 days before the grand prize was awarded. The cottage where he lived had been kept the same from the day he walked out and went to war. This has now been developed as a tourist attraction and was well worth the visit.

From here we went on to Harlech Castle and met up with old friends who run the Castle Gift Shop. Going round the castle, the children had to put their detective skills learned at Caernarfon into practice and find out 10 facts about the castle.

After lunch we all had an ice cream and then headed down to the beach. This was an opportunity for everyone to let off steam and have a good run around. There was one very big game of football, others played Frisbee whist others built sand castles. The weather was glorious and none of us wanted to leave!

After dinner this evening there was round two of the treasure hunt and slate painting! As I write this all is quiet everywhere and hopefully all will have a good night’s sleep ready for mountain climbing tomorrow!