A busy week of minibeasts and now off into space!

Half term sounded full of exciting adventures for the children in the reception class. Each child talked about what they had done in the holiday and then wrote a short recount and picture to make our class ‘Half Term Holiday’ book.

Tuesday was another exciting and exhausting day as the reception class visited Shepreth Wildlife Park. We were extremely lucky with the weather and had a great day. You will be able to read more about it shortly. We apologise for a lack of ‘tweets’ but there is limited signal coverage at Shepreth.

Minibeast hunting was enjoyed by all as we made an early start on Wednesday before the sun came out and they all took cover in whatever shade and damp they could find. Some children had to be encouraged to get down to minibeast level with pots and spoons ready, the more intrepid explorers were off and we soon had many different species. Bringing them in to look at under the microscope and visualiser gave the children the opportunity to look at all of the body parts, colours and patterns ready for the afternoon session of minibeast making.

Once again the confident children had decided over the lunch break what minibeast they wanted to make and had soon sourced their materials and started. Some children were very independent and did it all by themselves, others had great ideas but lacked confidence in their skill level and wanted an adult to do all the work for them, others did what they could independently but needed help with covering and decorating or needed an adults help to make holes for legs to be pushed through. As you can see from the pictures below, some children really challenged themselves to make tricky minibeasts such as ladybirds and grasshoppers; others went for a more straightforward centipede, worm or snail, a well-practised minibeast from a few weeks ago. Everyone achieved one or more models and lots of good discussions were going on throughout the afternoon.

As you can see we have started to practise for sports day. Keeping in a track was quite a challenge and running without slowing down at the line. The sack race caused lots of hilarity and the egg and spoon lots of concentration.

For maths practise this week try some quick sums both addition and subtraction. We played the fishing addition and subtraction games on: http://www.softschools.com/math/games/

Spelling test on Friday will inform the spellings that you receive. There will be no spellings next week but we will be doing a daily practice of using our phonics to spell so have a look at the diagraphs we have done this term.

Next week we move out into space and learn about the first man on the moon and space travel. Space bags will come home on Monday and all will be revealed as to the task for next weeks ‘Show and Tell’.

Remember next Tuesday our theatre trip to Milton Keynes. The children will all need a packed lunch in a plastic bag with a disposable carton or plastic bottle. All bags will be thrown away prior to going into the theatre so please do not give your child an unrealistic amount of food.

The school fete is next Saturday. There is currently a lack of reception parents on the rotas for the stalls. There is a list in the entrance for you to sign up. The money raised goes to help all of your children so please get involved, it is great fun!