Class Blog

This week was filled with a variation of events.

Firstly, we had the shoebox assembly which was where Andrew, a man our school has been working with for a few years who works with a charity called Hope For Life, came into school. We all got the chance to bring in a shoe box filled with gifts for the poor in different countries. In total we collected 153 boxes to give to the poor.  The Year 6s worked in a chain to pass the boxes to Andrew’s car.

Next, we had an assembly presented by Cherry Class about North America. In the process of the assembly we were filled to the top with information about this continent.  The assembly ended with a fun quiz.

In English, we worked in groups to make a playscript from a scene in the War Horse book.

In French, we worked in groups again to make presentations about the solar system.  Most groups are making Powerpoint presentations but our group chose to make a rap battle – it was great fun.

Freddie and Lily went to the Secondary School Conference for Year 6s at The Priory School. They came back today and gave us a talk all about it.  We learnt about uniforms, detentions, all the clubs and school journeys available, how to keep teachers happy and what to do if we have a problem at secondary school.